publication venue for How Academia Has Failed Academic Faculty. in press -- published online. 2014 Why Isn't There More Media Research?. 52:583-584. 2013 W(h)ither adolescent medicine? Time to fish or cut bait.. 47:228-230. 2008 Is there an unconscious conspiracy against teenagers in the United States?. 45:714-717. 2006 For Michael: those who can, teach.. 39:543-544. 2000 Momma, don't let your babies grow up to be academics!. 39:167-168. 2000 Sex, drugs, rock 'n' roll revisited.. 39:657-658. 2000 Too many good people: not enough awards.. 39:411-412. 2000 Duck and take cover.. 38:41-43. 1999 How not to train pediatric residents.. 38:297-299. 1999 RVUs, TVUs, AVUs, and IOUs = BCNU.. 38:165-166. 1999 So, you want to go to medical school?. 38:541-542. 1999 Ganglioneuroblastoma masquerading as chronic vomiting.. 34:110-113. 1995 Preventing AIDS in teenagers in the 1990s.. 34:46-47. 1995 Adolescent sexuality: Part 4. The practitioner's role.. 33:100-109. 1994 Sexually transmitted diseases.. 33:26-37. 1994 Adolescent Sexuality: Part 2. Contraception.. 32:725-734. 1993 Adolescent sexual activity.. 32:658-668. 1993 Why adolescent medicine? Four illustrative cases.. 23:12-16. 1984 Adolescent contraception. Review and recommendations.. 22:337-341. 1983 Pediatric residency training: time for a change. 1993 Adolescent medicine: batteries not included. 1992