Meeting report - Arf and Rab family G proteins. Academic Article uri icon


  • A FASEB Summer Research Conference entitled 'Arf and Rab family G proteins' was held in July 2013 at Snowmass Village, Snowmass, Colorado. Arfs and Rabs are two families of GTPases that control membrane trafficking in eukaryotic cells, and increasing evidence indicates that their functions are tightly coordinated. Because many workers in this field have focused on only one family, this meeting was designed to integrate our understanding of the two families. The conference was organized by Elizabeth Sztul (University of Alabama, Birmingham, USA) and Jim Casanova (University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA), and provided an opportunity for approximately 90 scientists to communicate their work and discuss future directions for the field. The talks highlighted the structural, functional and regulatory properties of Arf and Rab GTPases and the need to develop coordinated approaches to investigate them. Here, we present the major themes that emerged from the meeting.

publication date

  • January 1, 2013