Fiber types contributing to dorsal root reflexes induced by joint inflammation in cats and monkeys. Academic Article uri icon


  • 1. Injection of kaolin and carrageenan into the knee joint of cats or monkeys resulted in an acute inflammation. Four hours after injection of the knee joint, efferent activity could be evoked in articular afferent fibers and in dorsal root filaments. We interpret this efferent activity to be dorsal root reflexes (DRRs). Under our experimental conditions, the DRRs were generally synchronized compound action potentials, although in some cases single-unit activity was also observed. 2. DRRs were not produced in animals with uninflamed knee joints and normal body temperatures. 3. Recordings from two different sites on cut dorsal root filaments ipsilateral to the inflamed knee joint allowed the determination of the conduction velocities of groups of afferent fibers carrying DRRs. The DRRs occurred in A beta-, A delta-, and C fibers. However, in these experiments the peripheral destination of the afferent fibers was unknown. 4. To prove that DRRs occurred in joint afferents, recordings were made from two different sites on the proximal stump of the medial articular nerve that innervated the inflamed knee. The DRRs were again found in all fiber types, i.e., group II, III, and IV (A beta, A delta, and C) articular afferent fibers. 5. Compound DRRs were recorded from the central end of a cut dorsal root filament after electrical stimulation at C fiber intensity of a dorsal root adjacent to the filament. This DRR activity was eliminated by extensive dorsal rhizotomies of the L2-S1 roots.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

publication date

  • September 1995