publication venue for Selective morphological and volumetric alterations in the hippocampus of children exposed in utero to gestational diabetes mellitus.. 42:2583-2592. 2021 Identifying dynamic functional connectivity biomarkers using GIG-ICA: Application to schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, and psychotic bipolar disorder.. 38:2683-2708. 2017 Fronto-Parietal gray matter and white matter efficiency differentially predict intelligence in males and females.. :-. 2016 Hemodynamic response function abnormalities in schizophrenia during a multisensory detection task.. :-. 2015 Same task, different strategies: how brain networks can be influenced by memory strategy.. 35:5127-5140. 2014 Functional imaging of the hemodynamic sensory gating response in schizophrenia.. 34:2302-2312. 2013 Primary visual response (M100) delays in adolescents with FASD as measured with MEG.. :-. 2012 Reduced fMRI activity predicts relapse in patients recovering from stimulant dependence.. :-. 2012 Correlations of striatal dopamine synthesis with default network deactivations during working memory in younger adults.. 32:947-961. 2011 Resting state and task-induced deactivation: A methodological comparison in patients with schizophrenia and healthy controls.. 31:424-437. 2010 Combining fMRI and SNP data to investigate connections between brain function and genetics using parallel ICA.. 30:241-255. 2009