- To report a case of hepatitis induced by two histamine (H2)-receptor blockers, famotidine and cimetidine.A 51-year-old obese woman with a duodenal ulcer developed symptomatic, famotidine-induced hepatitis. Other causes for hepatitis were ruled out. Famotidine was discontinued and the patient took omeprazole for a month without incident. Cimetidine therapy was then initiated and shortly thereafter, the patient developed another episode of symptomatic hepatitis that resolved upon drug discontinuation. Two abdominal ultrasound examinations six months apart and an abdominal computed tomography scan obtained later showed what appeared to be a stable, fatty liver.This appears to be the first reported case of clinical hepatitis related to famotidine and the first reported case where clinical hepatitis followed the administration of two different H2-receptor blockers. The fatty liver probably was secondary to obesity and incidental to the hepatitis episodes.Famotidine can cause clinical hepatitis, and drug-induced hepatitis can occur after the administration of two different H2-receptor blockers.