publication venue for A Dual Blocker of Endothelin A/B Receptors Mitigates Hypertension but not Renal Dysfunction in a Rat Model of Chronic Kidney Disease and Sleep Apnea.. :-. 2019 Intermittent hypoxia exacerbates increased blood pressure in rats with chronic kidney disease.. 315:F927-F941. 2018 Attenuated, flow-induced ATP release contributes to absence of flow-sensitive, purinergic Cai2+ signaling in human ADPKD cyst epithelial cells.. 296:F1464-F1476. 2009 Human ADPKD primary cyst epithelial cells with a novel, single codon deletion in the PKD1 gene exhibit defective ciliary polycystin localization and loss of flow-induced Ca2+ signaling.. 292:F930-F945. 2007 Mispolarization of desmosomal proteins and altered intercellular adhesion in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease.. 288:F1153-F1163. 2005