publication venue for Motor development of Native American children on the Peabody Developmental Motor Scales.. 53:514-518. Time use of mothers with school-age children: a continuing impact of a child's disability.. 60:194-203. Development of an Adult Sensory Processing Scale (ASPS). . 68:531-538. 2014 Structural elements of the Ayres Sensory Integration Fidelity Measure. . 68:506-513. 2014 The validity of sensory systems as distinct constructs. . 68:546-554. 2014 Autonomic and behavioral responses of children with autism to auditory stimuli. 66:567-576. 2012 Fidelity in sensory integration intervention research. 61:216-227. 2007 The issue is: The state of measurement in sensory integration. . e149-e153. 2014