publication venue for Cancer Journey for American Indians and Alaska Natives in the Pacific Northwest
.. 43:625-635. 2016 The effectiveness of exercise interventions for improving health-related quality of life from diagnosis through active cancer treatment.. 42:E33-E53. 2015 Are exercise programs effective for improving health-related quality of life among cancer survivors? A systematic review and meta-analysis.. 41:E326-E342. 2014 Exploring disparities and variability in perceptions and self-reported colorectal cancer screening among three ethnic subgroups of U. S. Blacks.. 37:581-591. 2010 Advances in how clinical nurses can evaluate and improve quality of life for individuals with cancer.. 33:5-12. 2006 Biomarkers, fatigue, sleep, and depressive symptoms in women with breast cancer: a pilot study.. 33:775-783. 2006 Introduction: improving oncology nursing through advances in quality-of-life issues.. 33:-. 2006 The bane of accurate referencing: how to achieve "perfection".. 32:734-736. 2005 The nurse's relationship-based perceptions of patient quality of life.. 29:E118-E126. 2002 Fatigue mechanisms in patients with cancer: effects of tumor necrosis factor and exercise on skeletal muscle.. 19:419-425. 1992