publication venue for Prolonged high fat/alcohol exposure increases TRPV4 and its functional responses in pancreatic stellate cells.. 304:R702-R711. 2013 A peripheral neuroimmune link: glutamate agonists upregulate NMDA NR1 receptor mRNA and protein, vimentin, TNF-alpha, and RANTES in cultured human synoviocytes.. 298:R584-R598. 2010 17Beta-estradiol decreases hypoxic induction of erythropoietin gene expression.. 283:R496-R504. 2002 48-h Hypoxic exposure results in endothelium-dependent systemic vascular smooth muscle cell hyperpolarization.. 283:R79-R85. 2002 Impact of gender and endothelin on renal vasodilation and hyperfiltration induced by relaxin in conscious rats.. 279:R1298-R1304. 2000